Self Experimentation: Smiling More

20 02 2012

Whoops, was supposed to post yesterday but got lazy.  But Sunday is here and it’s better late than never.

For the past month or so I’ve been trying to improve myself in a simple way: smiling more.  Last year I tried half-heartedly and didn’t get any results, but this past month I went at it full steam with a simple method:  ABS, always be smiling.  Anytime I catch myself not smiling, whether eating with a friend or sitting at my computer, I force myself to smile.

My current uneven smile

A note about my uneven smile: I have a funny fold in my skin on the left side, but ladies remember, symmetrical men tend to cheat more.

It was tough at first since I’m not really a smiler.  Most of the time I have what I intend to be a neutral look, but I’ve been told it can be somewhat offputting.  But despite being tough at first, over the past few weeks it’s become easier and easier to smile and I find myself having to force a smile less and less.  In the past, I would feel awkward smiling for no reason, but now it’s a bit more natural.  I hope to eventually be a master at it and come off as a warm person, but one step at a time.  For now I’m happy to say that when someone glances at me I can quickly throw them a smile, or at least a smirk, and not come off as some creepy guy staring at them (I hope).

My next blog post is going to just be a video of my workout.  Look forward to it!

Placing faith in those more intelligent than you

8 02 2012

king of the hill

The other day I remembered an old “King of the Hill” episode focusing on  Bill Dauterieve.  Basically he stops listening to Hank and does lots of stupid stuff on his own/listening to Dale.  At the end Bill admits he’s mad at Hank because Hank makes all his decisions for him and that Hank is always right.  Hank points out that if he’s always right and Bill does what he says, that means Bill is always right also.

So anyway, this got me thinking, are there stupid people out there who admit that they are stupid and put their trust in someone smarter?  I really wonder, because sometimes what I see just makes me sad.  For example, overweight people giving tips on losing weight and talking about how X is healthy and Y is not.  “Oh but I just can’t manage to make myself keep eating healthy foods,” they will say, not realizing they are A wrong, B not using good techniques to implement, or C both.  If someone is failing at something, I think that they ought to be listening to new ideas, trying new things, or, like Bill, have someone who knows what they’re doing and follow their example.

Taking this train of thought a step further: because someone who is stupid probably cannot internally come to the conclusion that they are stupid, I should assume I’m stupid and thus seek people more intelligent than myself to learn from.

Things to do: keep an open mind, listen to those who have good results, don’t listen to those who don’t have good results, and find great mentors.


When Asking for Help, Remember this Tip

18 01 2012

Ask for what you want, not what you think will get you there.

Why?  Because there are probably solutions to your problem you don’t know exist.  I was reminded of this last night when watching Ramit’s webcast on résumé building.  At the beginning of the webcast he was getting questions like: what kind of font should I use on my résumé?  He was cringing because that has almost nothing to do with what makes a good résumé.  There is a note on who Ramit is at the end of this post if you don’t know who he is.

Two Other Examples

Example One, Beer Pong

The example I like to give to college aged kids:  My friend John threw a party at my house a couple years back and built a beer pong table which sits on top of a regular table.  The table is simply two pieces of plywood and some hinges.  While he was setting up for the party I was busy studying for a midterm and he came to me and asked to borrow some books to keep the hinges from bending, like so:

Now, you probably know that college books are EXPENSIVE, averaging over $100 per book.  So obviously, I’m not going to let him use my books to hold together a beer pong table.  Instead he used radiator fluid and my Craftsman toolbox, which you can see below:

This worked, however it was still a poor fix because a hard jostle on the table would still cause it to bend.    If he had told me his actual problem (holding the beer pong table down) I could have solved his problem in 5 seconds: simply use some C clamps (which I have) to hold the beer pong table down.  But, that’s not what he asked me, and thus he had to jerry rig his own poor solution.

Example Two: Fitness!

I was looking on the other day and saw dozens of questions like these:

  • When should I eat protein?  Before or after working out?  How long after?
  • How can I strengthen my abs/core?
  • How many bicep curls should I do?
  • How many calories should I cut?

These have nothing to do with what they actually want: to look/feel better, live longer, and/or be stronger.  Instead of asking for what they want, they’re asking for advice on the  things they’ve heard.

Potential Solutions

One solution is to simply attach the problem you’re trying to solve after the question, like so:

  • Do you have any heavy books I can use?  Because I want to hold my beer pong table together and I think the weights will do that.
  • When do you think I should eat my protein?  Because I am doing X workout routine and want to get muscles fast.
  • What font should I use on my résumé?   Because I’m applying for a job and I want to improve my résumé to improve my chances.

This gives the person you are asking a little more information to work with and thus the ability to offer solutions which are unrelated to your question.  Another solution would be to start with a statement defining your situation.  For example:

I am looking into home defense and was thinking of buying a gun, what kind of gun should I buy?

This question is much more effective than asking something like, what kind of gun should I buy?   The answer to this question will be way different depending on if you want a gun to defend your home, shoot skeet, or hunt.  Also, now that more information has been provided, the person answering could suggest a security service, an alarm system, or a guard dog.

Any other suggestions?  Feel free to post a comment!


If you’re wondering who Ramit is, he is the creator and author of the book and blog “I Will Teach You To Be Rich”.  Definitely check out both!  How good is it?  My brother asked me for advice on what he should do for investing, I sent him an email talking about 10 pages from Ramit’s book and the next day he took action and told me, “I’ve talked with 6 friends IN BANKING and none had anything nearly as good as what you told me.”

The One Thing You Must Do To Succeed

15 01 2012

Execute or even simpler, show up.  Showing up doesn’t guarantee success, but not showing up guarantees you won’t succeed.

A great example is getting healthy/fit.  There are programs that in 3 months will give anyone noticeable change.  In one to two years they can be a completely different body type/person.  What do they need to do?  Go to the gym 1-2 hours 3x a week, do some reading, and change your diet (and save yourself money by doing so).  It’s that simple.

So let’s suppose it’s your gym day and you feel like total crap.  A long day at work, sore from sitting at your desk all day, etc etc etc.  You could tell yourself you can’t go today and that you’ll go tomorrow (but you won’t).  Or, you can man up and go anyway.  You might have the worst workout of your life, miss every single lift, and throw up, but at least you went, kept your schedule, got some lifting in, and you know what?  You’ll do better next time.

A couple related quotes:
“80% of success is just showing up” – Woody Allen
“Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.” – Thomas Edison

Of course, if you want to be the best, it takes a whole lot more.  Inspirational video attached for fun:


How to Drink Water from Cupped Hands Without Getting Your Face Wet

10 01 2012

Over the past cheap jerseys few months 1990 I have been treating my acne with cheap mlb jerseys various ointments.  Sometimes I $10 will brush my teeth afterwards and want to rinse my mouth out, but I don’t wholesale mlb jerseys want to get my hi! face wet and wash off the ointments.  So, I developed a slightly different way of cupping my hands cheap nba jerseys so that I can get water in my mouth and not on my face.  This could also be neer useful for people who want NEL to protect their in makeup, moisturizer, wholesale nfl jerseys or sunscreen.  Check out the videos below: