Living in Poway

13 08 2012

Wow, I have been super lazy and not updated this in a long time!  I finally got a job, it didn’t take that long once I actually started to try.  It’s really my fault for relying too much on the hope of going back to my old company (near my house/friends/family).

I’m now 100 miles south in the city of Poway, and know exactly why I wanted the job in Irvine so bad!  Even though I’m relatively close and I have lived further for 5 years during undergrad, this feels different for a few reasons.  At Cal Poly I was surrounded by other college kids, most of them open to making friends, always with stuff to do.  Poway seems to be a city mostly of older people, I don’t know how many people around my age I’ll be able to meet.  But, I must try anyway.  I need a gym membership, I was originally planning to join just a normal gym like LA fitness, but I’m thinking now of maybe doing Crossfit, so I have the opportunity to meet more people.

I start work today, unfortunately not until 1 pm due to the fact that my boss and HR both needed to be available for me to start.  It’s the hottest week of the year so far, so I’m hanging out in Starbucks instead of at my place.

Any who, I hope to adjust quickly and see where life takes me.  I’m homesick and miss my friends, even though I don’t see them super frequently it just feels weird to know they aren’t just down the street.

Scam of the day: Low anything food

9 06 2012

If you want to decrease fat, carbs, cholesterol, or anything in your diet, why not eat foods that are already low in it, instead of buying a more expensive frankenfood?

I have a hypothesis:  if they take something out, they have to put something else in, and I bet that it’s worse for you than whatever they took out.

I find low-fat to be a particularly clever scam, seeing as how I believe fat in your food isn’t the main contributor to obesity.  Just for a moment think, what if Atkins was right and sugar is the problem.  Low fat ice cream, but with just as much sugar means they’re taking out the delicious fat and leaving the insulin spiking sugar.

Side note: I just checked Dreyer’s website and noticed no “low fat” versions of their slow churned ice cream, interesting.

Would you rather 2

7 06 2012

Would you rather:

Live to be 65 but have the body of your most in shape/youthful state or…

Live to be 100 but age poorly, such that by 65 you can’t do much and by 80 you’re confined to a wheel chair?

Would you rather 1

3 06 2012

Would you rather:

Eat food you “know” is healthy and see no results

or, eat food you “know” is unhealthy and see great results?

Cutting calories is extremely stupid

12 05 2012

Just an FYI, cutting calories/eating less used to be known by a different name: “semi starvation diet.”  It was changed for obvious reasons, but the name is no less true.  I have recently started a new self experiment with intermittent fasting to help me cut fat added during a recent muscle building phase.  This is not the same as cutting calories because I still eat as much calories as I like, but I can only eat between noon and 8pm.  Although I am still eating plenty, I still experience a good amount of hunger at night before I go to sleep and in the morning before noon.

I have only been experimenting with IMF for a week and I can already tell that I’d be going INSANE if I was trying to lose weight by cutting calories.  When hungry it’s almost impossible to not think about food.  My stomach is constantly growling and calling for my attention.  Based on my experience with minor hunger for only the past week, I can’t believe:

  • A, that anyone tries to lose weight by cutting back calories
  • B, that (stupid) people and the mass media still tell overweight people to lose weight by eating less
  • C, how hungry I am just on intermittent fasting
I can definitely believe:
  • Anyone trying to lose weight with a semi starvation diet is going to be miserable
  • They will also cave after trying for a while and eat themselves silly, probably putting on more weight than before

If not cutting calories, what should be doing?

In my experience, eating the right food means you don’t have to count calories and your body will maintain a good weight.  Throw in strength training and you’ll be unstoppable.  To find out about both, read and Four Hour Body, which will tell you everything you need to know.

In the past month I’ve lost about 6 pounds without counting any calories.  Of course, this is after I stopped drinking a gallon of milk a day, so take it with a grain of salt.  At my current rate of weight loss, about one pound per week, I will be where I want to be in a month or two.  Pics/video to come.


PS Remember you can follow along with my workouts/weight measurements here.