Imagine if you will, a dictatorship that uses military power to suppress the people. The army, police, and secret police that would be used to put down the common folk would have to be made up from them. At what point do the weapons of the oppressors refuse to suppress their own families and turn against their masters?
Clone troopers would never turn on their masters. This is why clone troopers are a government’s wet dream. Unquestioning soldiers taking orders from a few people, able to put down rebellion without emotion. No qualms about killing the innocent, no family to worry about. All at the disposal of a few who hold the command. After all, who else would man a space station whose only purpose is to destroy planets? Side note: of course, I wonder how they found engineers to design such a weapon, but then again we have nuclear weapons in real life.

Clone troopers are obviously fake, so how does this apply to real life? Let’s take a look at the power of modern weapons and gun rights. The NRA is fighting for US civilian’s rights to carry things like assault rifles and pistols. The military has tanks, explosive rounds, ships, bombs, etc. In other words, with the power of the military, there is no way a civilian militia could oppose the government. What good is a hunting rifle against tank armor? And taking this a step further, for every new weapon technology that comes out, fewer men can wield more power.
This post had no real point, just some observations I had while thinking about Star Wars and wanted to share.