The One Thing You Must Do To Succeed

15 01 2012

Execute or even simpler, show up.  Showing up doesn’t guarantee success, but not showing up guarantees you won’t succeed.

A great example is getting healthy/fit.  There are programs that in 3 months will give anyone noticeable change.  In one to two years they can be a completely different body type/person.  What do they need to do?  Go to the gym 1-2 hours 3x a week, do some reading, and change your diet (and save yourself money by doing so).  It’s that simple.

So let’s suppose it’s your gym day and you feel like total crap.  A long day at work, sore from sitting at your desk all day, etc etc etc.  You could tell yourself you can’t go today and that you’ll go tomorrow (but you won’t).  Or, you can man up and go anyway.  You might have the worst workout of your life, miss every single lift, and throw up, but at least you went, kept your schedule, got some lifting in, and you know what?  You’ll do better next time.

A couple related quotes:
“80% of success is just showing up” – Woody Allen
“Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.” – Thomas Edison

Of course, if you want to be the best, it takes a whole lot more.  Inspirational video attached for fun:


How to Drink Water from Cupped Hands Without Getting Your Face Wet

10 01 2012

Over the past cheap jerseys few months 1990 I have been treating my acne with cheap mlb jerseys various ointments.  Sometimes I $10 will brush my teeth afterwards and want to rinse my mouth out, but I don’t wholesale mlb jerseys want to get my hi! face wet and wash off the ointments.  So, I developed a slightly different way of cupping my hands cheap nba jerseys so that I can get water in my mouth and not on my face.  This could also be neer useful for people who want NEL to protect their in makeup, moisturizer, wholesale nfl jerseys or sunscreen.  Check out the videos below:

A neat kitchen trick in 10 seconds

9 01 2012

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$10 to a better life

7 01 2012

Sometimes in life we become obsessed with the large problems, but it’s important to remember that the little things count and can often be fixed or improved on the cheap.  You may not be able InterDammers to afford the $30000 for a brand new car, but  $10 can improve your life more than you might think.  In fact, 5 minutes of your time and $0 can improve your life a lot wholesale jerseys more than you might think.

For example: I remember when I was a kid, it seemed like every day my dad would walk out of his room and stub his toe on the same piece of furniture.  He’d yell and curse, but never take the 10 seconds to move the furniture, or the 5 seconds to ask one of my older brothers to do it.  First In 10 seconds my dad could have MILFs fixed this near daily cheap NBA jerseys cause of pain and anger in his life.  Would he still be at a high stress job and have three sons to raise?  Yes, but at least he wouldn’t be stubbing his toe everyday.

So my challenge for you is to look for some small problem or annoyance you encounter on a normal basis and look for a small, simple, or cheap fix.  Feel free to post your success story in the comments.

A couple examples from my own life to give you some ideas:

  • I used to own an Ikea lofted bed with desk cheap mlb jerseys attached underneath.  To prevent myself from banging my head on the metal frame, I bought a $2 foam pool noodle, cut it to fit the cheap NFL jerseys bar, and zip tied it on.  Cost: Trip to Home Depot and $2.
  •  I used to hate microwaving a plate and having to use a pot holder or paper towel to grab the plate.  I didn’t want to get a plastic bowl for fear of toxins, so I turned to google to see if there was a better product.  After a little searching I discovered the Handy Gourmet Cool Touch Microwave Bowl, with a ceramic bowl in a plastic container to keep heat in the bowl and off your hand.  It also comes with a lid to stop splatter in the microwave that doubles as a Ziploc type snap cover.  I now use this thing thrice daily and it is the centerpiece of my spartan dish method, which I’ll talk about in a future post.

Need some ideas?  Here are a few small things that you might try:

  • Block the phone number of someone you don’t want calling you.
  • Move or get rid of a piece of furniture that you consistently bump into or dislike.
  • Buy some Wood Filler or spackle at a home improvement store and fill in old nail holes in your walls that you hate staring at.
  • Sell, give to your friends, or donate clothes you never wear to free up space in your closet.
  • If you drink Show, tea or make coffee with a french press, a little $15 electric kettle is awesome, it boils water in a couple of minutes and your you rarely have to clean it.

If you can’t think of a solution, try googling your problem, you might be surprised at the creative ways people have solved it and are willing to share.

First post, hi!

4 01 2012

Happy cheap jerseys 2012!  I’m starting a blog to share wholesale jerseys China my thoughts, practice writing, track goals, and perhaps learn a thing or two.  Potential topics are: health, fitness, driving, philosophy, personal finance, lifehacking, engineering, and anything I learn and think is useful.

I will be voor posting at wholesale nfl jerseys least every Tuesday and Saturday, my NYR is to keep this schedule no matter what.  I am currently unemployed so cheap nfl jerseys this will be easy, but I will Standard be working hard 1983 to be employed morning by the end of January and from there we’ll see how things go.