February Financial Breakdown

26 02 2013

Feb_financesFebruary was an interesting month!

Income:  Income listed is 4852$, about 1200 more than my salary!  4963$ Tax refund, mostly applied to close out one of my four loans at 4395$.

Expenses: Great month on my expenses!  I met my budget cuts with ease, mainly due to cooking and having bought pretty much everything I need for now.  I haven’t been able to buy the kitchen supplies I need to pursue Four Hour Chef, but that’s okay to push back.  Non monthly costs were 54$ to file my taxes and 811$ on vacation.  This was my first month having 500$ auto withdrawn for RIRA, boy is that hard to make back with travel!  Oh and I looked up my auto insurance cost, it was 535$ for the whole year, paid around August 1st, not a bad price at all.

Current loan debt 23,232$.

Current net worth -14,935.30$ (Note: I’m now excluding retirement savings from net worth)

Tomorrow I’m finally heading out on another travel job, so wohoo for more money!  One step closer to paying off my debt and eventual financial independence!

I feel great about my financial situation!  It’s tough to plan with such a sporadic travel schedule, but I’m ahead of the curve and shouldn’t have any trouble meeting my goal of paying off my debt by December 31st if things continue as they have been.

In other financial related news, my current roommate is moving out and I found a replacement who will stay at least 3 months!

Self improvement and how you feel

24 02 2013

My cousin posted on facebook recently about the number of steps she took and it got me thinking about some things.  Mainly: who cares how many steps you took?  If you take 5000 steps a day and I take 2500, and I get compliments on my body all the time and you don’t, who comes out ahead?

In business it is common knowledge that “what gets measured gets done.”  Applying this thought to different measurements is very powerful.  For example, who cares how many clicks your ad got if revenues didn’t go up?  Who cares how many units you sold if you didn’t make enough money to break even?

So why not apply this common business knowledge to self improvement?

After some hard thinking the answer became obvious:  many people would rather feel good about what they’re doing than see actual results.  It’s very easy to look at a step counter and say it’s going up than to look in the mirror and say you’ve seen no improvement.  Why?  Because then you’d have to admit you were wrong.  Then you’d have to come up with a new idea on how to improve your body image.  Then you’d have to do some real work.

So remember: don’t measure self improvement by how you feel, measure it with objective results.

The great things in life can’t be measured, and that’s okay.  Who can say who is more enlightened than who?  More happy?  But that doesn’t matter unless you’re insecure and must compare everything you do with other people

Some other interesting things that get measured and are unimportant:

  • Anything to do with cars that isn’t gas mileage or cost/maintenance costs.  Oh it has 500 hp, but who cares if the speedlimit is 65 mph.  Oh it has a suspension twice as responsive as an economy car, but who cares if I drive in the city all the time.
  • Height – it’s pretty interesting how our society values height, when really it objectively doesn’t do anything for you unless you’re a wall painter or stock boy.  Beauty is similar: they are only valuable in that other people value them.  Beauty is valuable because you can make money as a model, actress, or trophy wife.  If it couldn’t be used for such, it would be meaningless.
  • CPU/graphics card power.  Can I play the same games as you with a cheaper computer?  Then I don’t care how fast your game is.
  • Calories – anyone who counts calories is a complete an utter moron, or completely and utterly ignorant.  The only reason to count calories is to gain weight or measure up for a prize fight.  Powerlifters force themselves to eat X protein calories a day to keep or increase muscle size.  No one that counts calories loses weight.  There are people that are thin and count calories to maintain, but what they do isn’t useful to someone trying to lose weight.  Much like someone watching how I study math wouldn’t succeed by copying me, since they wouldn’t be asian.
  • Times gone to gym, martial arts class, etc.  If you go to the gym 5x a week and I never go and I look better, you’re doing something wrong.  If you go to martial arts class and someone tha’ts gone half the time kicks your ass, you’re doing something wrong.  In terms of improvement, someone more effective will get further with less time. Of course if you go to those things to just burn off steam then it’s moot if someone is better than you.

An update

22 02 2013

Just your basic run of the mill update


60% good, 40% bad.  Was eating healthy for a while (all last week), but when my trip got delayed I fell off the wagon.  I’m supposed to be travelling for work but right now, but due to delays typical of the oil industry, I’m on hold.  I don’t want to buy any food that will spoil so I’ve been eating out, which is sometimes good but mostly bad.


It’s amazing how fast my body improved in aesthetics from lazily cranking out some pull ups now and again.  I haven’t started going hardcore, but banging out some body weight exercises now and again to get the ball rolling and everything is looking good.   Will hopefully start sprints/jogging soon.  I am training as if I will enlist at the end of the year, with the goal of being able to get a perfect PFT.  That would be 20 dead hang pull ups, 100 crunches in 2 minutes, and a 3 miler in 18 minutes.  That’s going to be tough considering my PR in CC was 17:36 when I was training 5 to 6 times a week.


Things are looking great!  I got nearly 5000$ back from my taxes last year, and tomorrow they will be applied to close out 1 of my loans.  Sometime next month I will be able to pay off another, and be down to 20k in college loan debt at 6.8% interest.  After that I just need to pay less than 2600$/month and I will be debt free by the end of the year!  I spent a lot of this month due to vacationing with my cousins/brother in mammoth, but other than that been doing a great job meeting my reduced budget.  Full update to come in a week!


Being on hiatus for travel is amazingly frustrating, but other than that things are going great.  Currently I’m reading a lot, thinking of what to do with my life, and enjoying my time.  Currently one of my roommates is planning to move out and we have to find a replacement, but other than that things are perfect.


I’ve minimalized a bit more, and I’m loving it.  If I were to build storage under my bed I could fit everything I own in a room half the size  (10’x5′) or even less.  I still have some junk, but will likely toss it/donate it the next time I move.

Business plans

Been super lazy about generating business ideas or even playing with my Arduino, doh!  Constantly reading and learning about money though, so I don’t consider this a total bust.

Leaving Behind Media

Very hard to stop!  I always have the urge to surf the news, but so far have been resisting okay.  I occasionally gloss over facebook, but don’t read yahoo news, ocregister, lifehacker, or arstechnica anymore, wohoo!

Leaving Behind Media

6 02 2013

I recently read the following book:
Trust Me, I’m Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator, and have decided to stop reading the “news.”  The summary of the book is quite simple:

  • Modern non subscription media is paid by advertisements shown.  More clicks = more money.
  • News happens infrequently.
  • Pseudo news is much more click friendly, and thus the media generates pseudo news.  Making things up, publishing the most audacious or controversial points of view, exaggerating, etc.
  • News sites are no longer trustworthy.  They do no research, no follow up, and their sources are usually anonymous (aka people reporting it for their own interest).  It took 1 day after finishing this book to read this anti-news story: http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2013/02/no-free-wi-fi-isnt-coming-to-every-us-city/
  • Combining these makes the media easy to manipulate and quite a beast in terms of destructive capability.  Also it is useless for normal people and no longer serves its purpose as current events.

Because reading the news has becoming just about churning through articles to avoid boredom, I am leaving it behind.  As I constantly try to remind myself: spend time, don’t kill it.  Reading “the news” is most definitely killing time.

Ask yourself after a week, has reading news/blogs/gossip given me any actionable ideas?   10 to 1 says it didn’t.  At most it acted like TV, filling some hours, giving you a low dosage of happiness, but overall just being a waste of time that you could have used learning a new skill, talking with your friends, or playing with your kids.

Originally I intended to stay on Facebook and follow RSS feeds on Arstechnica and Lifehacker (both posting 50 articles a day, compared with 4 to 10 a few years ago), but have quickly seen that this will not be conducive to my reasons for leaving media.  Facebook hardly has any life updates from friends (the main reason to be on it IMO), and is mostly people re-posting the crap they read on the media sites.  Arstechnica has the occasional interesting piece, but there’s too much BS to sort through.  Same with lifehacker.

I will continue responding to messages and posts on facebook, but that’s all.  I still read the following blogs: Study Hacks, Earlyretirementextreme, IWTYTBR, Neil Strauss, Seth Godin, TED talks list, baseline scenario, Tim Ferriss, my personal friends, and dilbert/xkcd comics.

So, bon voyage mass media!


I envy those with religion

3 02 2013

Why are you on this planet?

Religious person: God put me here for a reason, if i work hard and am a good person, I will go to heaven and be happy for eternity.  Every pain and problem that presents itself to me is just a challenge from God, and he always gives me more options.
Me: Fuck if I know.

The person who wrestles with their humanity and reason for being here is bound to be more conflicted and confused than the person who blindly follows a god, a preacher, or dictator.

So blind faith would appear to be a good thing.  And hell, when you’re dead even if you just stop existing and were completely wrong about your religion, it’s not like you know you were wrong (unless another religion was right and you’re rotting in its hell).  So it’s win win, you believe in your religion and are happier because of it, and when you die you either go to heaven or you no longer exist.

The only real trouble is that blind faith can be used and turned into war, suicide bombings, and voting republican.