Book Recommendations

Personal Finance

  • I Will Teach You to be Rich
  • Early Retirement Extreme
  • Rich Dad Poor Dad
  • Four Hour Body


  • Emotional Intelligence (and Social Intelligence)
  • Body Language – Pease
  • Influence – Cialdini
  • Introducing NLP – O’Connor


  • Personal MBA
  • Six Thinking Hats
  • Groundswell
  • Triple Bottom Line
  • SPIN Selling – Rackham
  • Linchpin by Seth Godin
  • 100$ startup
  • Never Eat Alone


  • Good Calories Bad Calories
  • The Great Cholesterol Con
  • Omnivore’s dilemma, Anything by Pollan
  • Born to Run


  • The Art of Non Conformity
  • Success through failure
  • Outliers – or anything by Malcolm Gladwell
  • Freakonomics
  • Four Hour Work Week
  • How to Become a Straight-A Student – Cal Newport
  • Against All Enemies – Read the comments on Amazon
  • The Origin of Wealth – Beinhocker

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